Ecology Courses


SSI Marine Ecology Logo
Marine Ecology - $99.95
This program teaches you about different marine environments, the creatures that live there, and how they interact with each other.
SSI Shark Ecology Logo
Shark Ecology - $99.95 
Many humans fear sharks, but is that reputation deserved? This program teaches you about different types of sharks, their behavior, and how you can safely observe them in their natural habitat.
SSI Sea Turtle Ecology Logo
Sea Turtle Ecology - $99.95
This program teaches you the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common species of sea turtles, describes their importance in marine ecosystems, and threats to their survival.


SSI Fish Identification Logo
Fish Identification - $99.95
This program teaches the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common families of Caribbean, Indo-Pacific, and Red Sea reef fish.
Logo Coral Identification Logo
Coral Identification - $99.95
This program teaches the skills and concepts required to recognize and identify common families of coral species and explains their role in the ocean's ecosystems. 
SSI Manta and Ray Ecology Logo
Manta and Ray Ecology - $99.95
This program teaches you how to classify, identify, and interact with various species of rays.


SSI Marine Mammal Ecology Logo
Marine Mammal Ecology - $99.95 
In this program, you will learn what makes marine mammals distinct from land mammals, discover where they live, explore their physiology, and how to identify various species.
SSI Marine Invertebrate Ecology Logo
Marine Invertebrate Ecology - $99.95
This program will increase your environmental awareness and help you appreciate the marine life you dive with even more!